Symptoms and causes of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. Feelings in women and men. Treatment of chest osteochondrosis with medicines and folk remedies.
11 December 2021
What you need to know about spine disease - osteochondrosis, important functions of the spine, the concept of the word "osteochondrosis", tissue malnutrition, symptoms and treatment, diagnosis, treatment of osteochondrosis, prevention of osteochondrosis of the spine.
11 January 2021
Comprehensive treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint. General information. Causes and symptoms. The degree of the disease. Clinical course. Clinical course. Treatment methods.
6 December 2020
Why the joints of the fingers hurt: possible causes and probable diseases. How to get rid of pain: medications and folk remedies, physiotherapy, finger exercises and nutritional correction.
6 October 2020
Why does the back hurt in the lumbar region and what to do? Probable causes and symptoms of diseases, methods of treatment of pain syndrome.
4 October 2020
Why does the back hurt in the lumbar region? Causes and symptoms of probable diseases in men and women. Diagnostics, methods of treatment, prevention of back pain.
26 September 2020
Osteochondrosis of the spine: classification of what happens during pathology, causes of occurrence, risk groups, features of the disease by stages, symptoms, syndromes, diagnosis and treatment, as well as general recommendations and prevention of the disease.
11 September 2020