Causes of pain in the hip joint, probable diseases. Diagnostic methods, directions of therapy and preventive measures.
12 January 2022
Back pain in the area of the shoulder blades is the "tip of the iceberg" behind which a whole glacier is hidden, represented by the underlying pathology. What diseases can provoke pain in the area of the shoulder blades and how to treat these pathological conditions?
28 November 2021
Causes, signs and symptoms, stages of development of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, diagnosis. How to relieve pain during exacerbation: recommendations. Traditional and folk methods of treatment, nutritional rules for illness. Forecast and prevention.
25 November 2020
Causes and characteristic symptoms of arthrosis of the hip joint. Conservative methods of treating the disease with medicines and folk remedies. Prevention of the development of the disease.
21 September 2020