Why is there pain in the hip joint?

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The appearance of pain in the hip joint should definitely alert, because this is the largest bone connection without which the walking process is impossible. It maintains balance, redistributes body weight between the spine and lower limbs. When the function of the hip joint is impaired, the patient's quality of life immediately decreases, and his physical activity decreases.

If you feel pain in the hip joint, you need to establish the cause. Pain treatment depends on the pathology of which it is a symptom. Complex measures and strict adherence to the recommendations will help get rid of the disease and maintain the motor activity of the joint.

Disruption of the hip joint makes it impossible to actively move. Decreased functionality limits the patient in terms of independent movement and performance.

So what are the causes of such unpleasant discomfort in the hip joint, and how can it be treated at home? Let's try to figure it out.


Pain in the hip joint can appear for various reasons: due to damage to the joint itself, both to the right and to the left, as well as to the bones, cartilage or ligaments located next to it. Numbness and restriction of movement throughout the entire hip often appear with a painful symptom.

Diseases of the hip joint can appear at any age, but most often concern the elderly. If pain occurs, it is advisable to consult a general practitioner, he will prescribe an initial examination and recommend which doctor you should go to.

The most common causes of hip pain are:

  • dislocations;
  • fractures;
  • infectious inflammation, or arthritis;
  • degenerative changes, or osteoarthritis (coxarthrosis);
  • aseptic necrosis of the femoral head;
  • inflammation of the periarticular bag (bursitis);
  • non-infectious inflammation in autoimmune diseases of the connective tissue;
  • period of pregnancy.

The prevalence of pain syndrome in this localization increases with age. If among young people under 18 years of age, pain in the hip joint is found in 8-10%, then for middle-aged people this figure is 20-30%. At the age of 50-59, 40% already suffer from this, and among older people - from 50 to 60%. Women are more likely to suffer from this localization pain syndrome than men.

According to age

Pathological conditions typical for different age groups causing pain in the hip joint:

  1. Adults and Seniors. Osteoarthritis (coxarthrosis), injuries and deformities of the joint, pressing of the acetabulum.
  2. Children and adolescents. Perthes disease, transient synovitis, acquired varus deformity, tuberculous lesions, injuries and deformities of the joint.
  3. Newborns and infants under 1 year of age. Congenital dislocation of the hip, consequences of generic epiphysis, acute purulent osteoarthritis, congenital varus deformities.


The main signs of bursitis:

  • with the development of the disease, the appearance of back pain;
  • increased discomfort when moving the leg;
  • increased pain after prolonged sitting, back pain;
  • sharp and burning pain, especially when lying on the side at night, extending over the entire surface of the thigh.

If an infection gets in, purulent bursitis may appear, which is characterized by acute pain in the hip joint. For this type of bursitis, a characteristic symptom is the inability to fully extend the leg. When pressed, a firmness is felt, which can spread over the large surface of the thigh. Perhaps the appearance of back pain.

Osteoarthritis (coxarthrosis)

Coxarthrosis is based on degenerative (destruction) and dystrophic (malnutrition) processes in the hip joint. As a result, the joint ceases to perform its functions - the movements of the legs are disrupted. It can be an independent disease or develop with secondary damage to the joint (tumor in the bone). In old age, coxarthrosis develops again after a hip fracture.

Depending on the severity of the changes that have occurred in the joint, there are 3 stages of coxarthrosis.

  • At stage 3, pain in the hip joint bothers patients even at rest, at night. Marked lameness, which forces the use of a cane.
  • At stage 2 of coxarthrosis, pain begins to radiate to the groin, inner and front sides of the thigh, often dropping to the knee. They appear after the usual daily load, but at rest they do not bother.
  • Stage 1 is characterized by pain in the hip joint that occurs during excessive exertion: walking up stairs with a load in your hands, walking for more than 2-3 kilometers, running. Pain sensations subside after a short rest.

The choice of methods for treating arthrosis of the hip joint depends on the severity of the changes that have occurred in the joint. 1 and 2 degrees of the disease can be treated, as a rule, conservatively. Anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, drugs that improve blood circulation in the joint, physiotherapy, and therapeutic exercises are prescribed. The last stage is treated only with the help of operations.

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Hip fracture

A very common injury, especially in older people with weak bones. This condition is characterized by severe pain, inability to make any movements in the joint.

In this case, hospitalization is necessary for the correct treatment, since a hip fracture is often complicated by an infectious process, for example, bacterial arthritis, etc. The addition of inflammation significantly impairs fracture healing and contributes to improper bone fusion.

Dislocation of the hip joint

Most often it is a consequence of road accidents, and also occurs during falls and various occupational injuries.

Clinical manifestations in dislocation: unbearable acute pain, almost absolute difficulty in movement of the lower extremities, with damage to the nerve endings, the sensitivity of the foot and ankle joint is lost. With bilateral dislocation of the joint, symptoms are expressed in the form of intermittent claudication, or the so-called "duck gait".

It is worth highlighting such a concept as congenital hip dislocation, diagnosed in newborns. This ailment is a consequence of the underdevelopment of the acetabulum, due to which the head of the femur falls out of its limits, thereby forming a dislocation.


This is an incomplete loss of contact between the femoral head and the acetabulum. The person does not feel sharp pain, motor activity is slightly limited, but unpleasant sensations are constantly present.


A systemic disease of the connective tissue, accompanied by damage to the joints and the valvular apparatus of the heart. It develops more often in girls and young women after streptococcal sore throat.

Approximately two weeks after the disease, severe pain occurs in large joints, which gradually decrease and disappear. Rheumatism does not cause permanent damage to the joints, its main danger is the development of acquired heart defects.


Arthritis is especially common in the elderly. The older a person is, the more processes can occur inside his joints. Discomfort appears in the legs and groin area, cramps can be felt in the front of the thigh and even reach the knee. Symptoms are worse with walking and resting on the leg. It becomes difficult to get up from a sitting position, this causes severe pain in the hip joint.

Most often, the malaise increases in the morning, but with physical activity, it decreases. But with excessive loads, unpleasant sensations increase and stiffness in movements appears. Treatment depends on the diagnosis, usually anti-inflammatory drugs, exercise therapy and hormonal drugs are prescribed.

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Infectious arthritis can be caused by viruses such as influenza, staphylococcus, streptococcus and others . . . In such cases, the disease develops rapidly. Fever begins, swelling is observed in the area of the affected joint. Acute pain in the hip joint is observed with movement and even touching the affected area.

A slightly different symptomatology is observed in tuberculous arthritis, which most often affects the hip joint. In this case, the disease makes itself felt gradually. At first, a person begins to be bothered by a slight soreness when walking, radiating to the leg - the middle part of the thigh or knee. As the disease progresses, the hip is limited in movement in all directions, the affected area swells.


Inflammation of the tendons, or tendonitis, usually affects people who are exposed to high levels of regular physical activity. Most often these are athletes. It should be noted that this disease sometimes proceeds imperceptibly, especially if the patient reduces the load on the hip joint. And, conversely, with too active movements and heavy loads, the pain becomes very strong.

Treatment of tendonitis is carried out with anti-inflammatory drugs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.

Which doctor is treating?

The help of these doctors may be required if you have pain in the hip joint:

  • Rheumatologist;
  • Traumatologist or orthopedist;
  • Physiotherapist;
  • Neurologist.

The specialist will conduct a survey and examination of the patient, prescribe a comprehensive examination.


Laboratory and instrumental research methods:

  1. X-ray examination and ultrasound. They are the gold standard for almost all diseases of the hip joint.
  2. General blood analysis. It will give an opportunity to assess the general condition of the body.
  3. Biochemical blood test and specific markers of rheumatological diseases.
  4. Urine examination. The urine color, quantity, clarity and density are determined. In addition, protein, glucose and bilirubin are important indicators.
  5. Morphological examination of biopsy specimens. It is used to study the structure of the material taken, especially often in cases of suspected oncological diseases of the skeleton.
  6. CT scan. Allows to visualize the joint, bone tissue in several projections, to determine its density.
  7. Magnetic resonance imaging. Renders in thin layers of body tissue in any plane.
  8. Osteoscintigraphy. With the introduction of osteotropic radiopharmaceuticals, the state of blood flow in the bone tissue and the intensity of metabolic processes are visualized.

Note the decrease in joint mobility. Remember if the disease was accompanied by fever, headache, local hyperemia, edema and other local manifestations. Do not be afraid to draw the attention of a specialist to the possible causes of the disease. Describe in detail everything that bothers you.

How is hip pain treated?

What to do if painful symptoms are found in the area of the hip joint? After all, the pelvis is an important link in the musculoskeletal system. And if there are serious pains, you should immediately contact a specialist. He will help diagnose and identify the cause of the problem. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the more effective the treatment will be.

If you suspect mild pain is due to minor injury or joint overload, the following measures can be taken:

  • avoid stress on the sore joint, keep it calm;
  • take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
  • during sleep, it is advisable to lie on the healthy side.

Drug treatment consists of a complex intake of drugs in various directions:

  1. Hondoprotectors, mineral and vitamin complexes.
  2. Muscle relaxants that reduce the spasms that occur with pain.
  3. NSAIDs and steroids. Steroid medications are only prescribed for severe symptoms.
  4. Means for improving microcirculation. They relieve edema and hypoxic manifestations in the affected area.
  5. Diuretics to reduce swelling in the inflamed area.

Physiotherapeutic measures are also of great importance in the treatment of diseases of the hip joints. They are carried out after the removal of acute inflammation and severe pain. Electrophoresis has proven itself well, with the help of which you can create a high concentration of drugs directly in the affected area.

A progressive method is considered to be laser therapy, which produces analgesic, resorption and anti-inflammatory effects. Magnetotherapy, diode dynamotherapy and drug phonophoresis are also successfully used.